Since we rode 740 km yesterday we only had 220 km today to Lanzhou so we rested in the morning, and had to amend our plans since we found out that the shipping of our motorcycles to Anchorage will take longer than usual.The reasons as described to me are many, the fist is that it takes 4 days for the officials in Beijing to inspect the bikes before they are shipped, and the second is that the closest flight available will be on the 15th of July.So we decided to go to LA and rent bikes to ride to San Francisco, and then fly to anchorage pick up our bikes and cross the US right after Seattle.

Today was the first time we were faced with what we knew before we left "No motorcycles on the express ways" so we had to take a side national highway which is much slower.

On our way to Lanzhou we finally used the Gasoline stove I bough to heat up Shabzi for lunch on the side of the road. Ali was not convinced of the stove until he saw it in action.

After we reached the hotel we walked around and found an Art museum which was closed, so we asked our guide to take us there tomorrow morning.