Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Issues with Shipping

It is the third day and the bikes are still not crated we were initially told that they would be working today but after we sent all our updated papers to the shipping office here in Dubai we noticed nothing was touched, we then were told that they have taken the measurements and will prepared the packaging tomorrow. I sent an email to complain about the delay in packing, and was given an unsatisfactory reason that the change is destination was the reason, HUH… was still going to leave, and still needed to be crated! At least we had a tentative date for shipping which was Friday the 22nd of May.

In the mean time Abdulla, Ali's brother arrived in Dubai, and delivered the Garmin Zumo 550s we were promised by the Seas and Deserts Company in Kuwait, and I started loading the maps in preparation for our next journey.